Andy is 65 and always feels obligated to eat everything on his plate, even though he is already full. This is not because he likes the food; he feels uncomfortable if something is left on his plate. He also eats anything his wife doesn't finish on her plate.

Exploring the roots of this reaction, he recounts that his mother used to warm up and serve a second time to them any food a child in the family refused to eat. Both parents reinforced the ban on leaving anything on the plate. In a mapping, Andy places anchors for his parents and himself in space at a close distance. Most energy is bound for the representation of his mother, who forbids him to leave anything on his plate. 
Andy then says the sentences for this representation of his mother. Immediately after he feels independent, with more freedom and lightness. Imagining his wife offering him her leftovers, he kindly refuses. He also has no problem visualising leaving food on his plate when he has eaten enough. He is easily able to recognise that the rules he learned were very relevant in the post-war era, when eating everything available was an economic necessity. He is also now aware that times have changed.