
Self-Coaching with Logosynthesis: How the Power of Words Can Change Your Life (Edition 2015)

Self-Coaching with Logosynthesis reveals how to apply the revolutionary Logosynthesis model and create a new reality through the power of words. The book is easy to read and includes powerful exercises for solving everyday problems. It also features fascinating, real-life illustrations of Logosynthesis in action. You’ll learn how to move beyond disturbing memories, fear-inducing fantasies and limiting beliefs – and eventually take control of your life and stop suffering.

Logosynthesis – Healing with Words: A Handbook for the Helping Professions (Edition 2015)

This is the most recent book from Willem Lammers taking the knowledge of Logosynthesis one step further and providing in depth insights for the helping professions. The book also includes many fascinating case examples and transcripts from sessions with real clients to illustrate the wealth of applications of Logosynthesis in counselling, coaching, and psychotherapy. Overview of all books (all languages) on Click on each title to experience more…