63-year-old Rebecca told me about her fear that her son would be imprisoned. This fear came up every time she read about a robbery, murder or rape in the newspaper.
She fantasized that her 40-year-old son had committed the crimes and saw images of him behind bars in her mind’s eye. She’d tried to apply Logosynthesis to this problem on several occasions, with little success.

When she introduced this topic in one of our sessions, I was able to uncover the belief behind her fear and the prison fantasy: “My son is a potential criminal.”
I asked her where this belief was located in her personal space, and she replied, “Across the entire width of the room, above me.” She then paused for a moment and said, “It’s a guillotine… hanging over me,” and began to cry. She now applied the sentences for ‘this guillotine hanging over me’. As we went through the first cycle, the guillotine turned into an old-style parchment that was rolled up at both ends. There was a barely readable saying printed on the sheet. After the second cycle, the parchment appeared in her imagination as very old and almost falling apart. When she removed the foreign energy from the parchment with the second sentence of the third cycle, she imagined a strong sucking force pulling it far away and over the mountains.

The belief that her son was a criminal and the fear that he might commit a crime then totally disappeared.