Thirty years ago Mireille suffered a traumatic sports accident: she was in a training program; the only woman in a group of men. In an exercise, she had to jump over a pole to land on a trampoline. She was successful in the first attempt, but during the second attempt she was overcome with fear. During this attempt, as she jumped, she landed directly upon the pole, which pierced her body, deeply entering her vagina and cutting her uterus badly. When it happened, her first thought was: "I'm not a woman anymore." After the accident, she underwent many surgical operations, but never regained her former health. Now, after many years, she still suffered from pain in her knees and hips, and a feeling of instability in her body. It was a shock for her when her daughter, an osteopath, told her that had she been treated with osteopathy after the accident, she wouldn't have all these symptoms.
Asked to isolate the most distressful element of the story she had just recounted, she didn't mention the accident itself, but her conclusion: "I'm not a woman anymore." This was as stressful as her daughter’s statement about what could have happened had she been treated earlier. As the conclusion about herself as a woman was more closely linked to the accident, I chose to work with that. After three sentences on this belief, she said: "It's not true. I am a woman." When I gave her the sentences for the wish to have been treated earlier, her face softened and her body visibly relaxed. Walking around, she noticed that standing and walking had become easier.
Here I decided to address the accident itself: I asked her to say the Logosynthesis sentences for the energy bound in the representation of the pole that had penetrated her body. As a result, she relaxed even more deeply, and for the first time in 30 years she could walk without pain. Her face looked ten years younger and she beamed with joy.