Joan had recently experienced a conflict with her boss; asked if her own behaviour reminded her of someone else in her history, she recalled a memory of her music teacher when she was nine, and then jumped further back in her history to her mother, who had been confrontational and aggressive, while her father was a very soft, tolerant man. Then suddenly, a memory surfaced; her grandmother had always said that she should have been a boy.
I let her map the situation around her birth. Her grandmother, her mother, and her father were placed in positions. Where she felt most tension was in the place representing grandmother. I let her take this position, become her grandmother, and interviewed her in this role. As grandmother she declared that she was proud of her granddaughter, but "she should have been a boy."
I had her turn towards the client’s position and say the Logosynthesis sentences on this belief. Grandmother felt some relief, but the process wasn't fully resolved. In the next step, I had her say the sentences for the unfulfilled wish that she had wanted the client to be a boy. This fully resolved the introject: as her grandmother, Joan visibly relaxed.
When she returned to her own place in the map, the tension she had felt towards her grandmother had disappeared. Now the energy bound up in the relationship with her mother came to the foreground. The next steps were an exact repetition of those in the work with the grandmother introject: her mother had also wanted her to be a boy. After she had said the same sentences from the position of her mother, she deeply relaxed.
Once she returned to her own position as the baby just born, the metamorphosis was amazing. Her voice had become stronger, and she stood tall and straight. When I asked her to visualise the scene with her boss, she noticed that her attitude had changed from defensive to cooperative. A confrontation no longer felt necessary.