Maggie had a deep belief that she was incompetent. She had been offering counselling sessions for free, even as a child she had been painfully shy, and her mother called her 'sickly sensitive.' She hadn't felt safe in her family growing up, was afraid of others, and felt like an outsider. Her birth had been an 'accident' as her parents hadn't used contraceptives. She had been sexually abused by her father.

I decided to explore the sexual abuse issue, because neutralising such events can free an enormous amount of life energy.

Maggy had worked on the issue before, but it was still active. She had scraps of a scene in the bathroom with her father and also remembered that her father had held her head in the toilet bowl. I asked her what was the most disturbing aspect of the abuse. She couldn't answer that question so I followed my intuition and decided to start with the bathroom scene.

She reported that she wanted to hide. She felt ashamed and dirty remembering that scene. She saw herself from above, in the bathtub with her father near her. I gave her the first Logosynthesis sentence for the image of these two people, as I always do when a client has an image in which it seems they have left their body. Usually the client will access the experience from the perspective of being inside their body after that first sentence, but that can be very painful.

This time after the first sentence Maggie had another image, still from outside of herself, of the little girl in the bathtub, but this time closer to her head, and she could see the bathtub as a whole. I gave her the first sentence again. After that she accessed her body experience of the event, and strong abdominal pains came up. She also saw the eyes of her father. I decided to not elicit further details and gave her the sentences for 'the image of the eyes of my father and everything it represents'. She cried tears of relief. She felt more grounded and felt herself growing in the scene: She became the adult woman she is now, looking at the scene of the little girl and her father. I once again offered her the sentences for this image, and she told me that she felt less tension in her body. She said: "Life doesn't have to be such an effort."

To complete the work, I addressed the second scene, in which her father had held her head in the toilet bowl. Maggie said: "If I think about it, I could kill him." It was clear that her energy level had been raised by processing the first memory. I asked her if she could process this herself with the help of Logosynthesis, and she confirmed this. She looked great now, gleaming with self-confidence and ready to tackle life's challenges. There remained not a trace of the timid woman at the beginning of the session.  
We often see the same stages in the treatment of childhood sexual abuse with Logosynthesis: 

1. From the interview scraps of an experience show up. This experience often contain images from a perspective in which the client has left their physical body. If the images are too confronting, the subconscious of the client can produce metaphors, like pigs, or rats crawling over or entering the body.

2. The Logosynthesis sentence 1 for such an image causes the client to access the experience from inside the body, with direct input from their senses. In this case, the first sentence was used twice to get there. Entering the body is often associated with great physical pain, which is the reason why the client left their body in the first place.

3. At this stage the environment is explored using the senses, and the memories of the sensory input are neutralised with the help of the Logosynthesis sentences. If there is a partial memory, the words 'and everything this represents' can be added to the description of the trigger in the sentences. 4. The result is deep relief and a reconnection to the awareness of the adult person in the present.