Johnathan, a catholic priest, still suffered from traumatic memories of a civil war situation he was involved in nine years ago. He arrived at a site where people had been wounded and killed, and where policemen were acting inappropriately. He was shocked by the injustice he saw around him and wanted to join forces to support the people he was responsible for in his parish.

After he had described the situation, treatment focused on two traumatic images. The first one was seeing a woman he knew lying on the street, not knowing if she was alive or dead. The second image was that of a policeman stepping on the head of a man lying on the ground. Both images were neutralised with one round of the Logosynthesis sentences.  

After the processing of these traumatic images, he became quieter, but there remained some distress about the injustice of the situation. The police should have protected those citizens, but instead they had become violent.  
I asked the trainee how he had wished the police had behaved, and then offered him the sentences for this wish. In the third sentence I used the following form: "I retrieve all my energy bound up in all my reactions to the fact that this wish was not fulfilled." This sentence took a lot of time to process, but then he looked at me with a smile on his face. He was able to recognise that this had been nine years ago now, and that the situation in the country had improved since then.

Life is not always as we wish it to be. Binding energy in desires and wishes limits our potential to do what we can.