Many people try to lose weight through reduction of their food intake. Usually this doesn't work, at least not in the long run. The reason is simple: one part of the client's energy system wants to lose weight - usually a punishing, repressive introject - and another part feels threatened if food intake is reduced. Dieting is usually limited to reduction or change in food intake and doesn't take this threat into account.
However, if the threatened part isn't treated, no diet will ever lead to permanent weight loss. Therefore, in working with Logosynthesis, you start with exploring what a client feels when they feel hungry. The sensations connected with the label 'hunger' have sensory as well as emotional components. In a session today, Oliver, a strong, tall and heavy man, identified hunger as a pressure around his head, combined with a feeling of insecurity.
Through flash questions we found a disturbing memory at the age of two. Little Oliver was alone in his room and felt utterly insecure. After the sentences for the frozen memory, the energy level rose, and he felt anger. I explained to him that anger results from the belief that a need must fulfilled, while in real life this need was not fulfilled. As a next step he said the sentences for the mother he would have liked to have had, but never had.
After this, Oliver felt fear, which turned out to be a fear that Mommy would never come back. After the sentences for this fantasy, the fear dissolved, and we returned to the starting point of the session, the 'hunger' feeling. This time, the insecurity had disappeared from the sensation, and he felt a steel band around his head and between his ears.
When we tracked this feeling in his history, Oliver remembered a situation as a seven-year-old, in which his father had comforted him. Something had happened to him, which was still covered by the memory of father. After the suggestion to step back in time Oliver discovered a memory in which he was bullied by three other children. His sister also played a role in this event.
However, if the threatened part isn't treated, no diet will ever lead to permanent weight loss. Therefore, in working with Logosynthesis, you start with exploring what a client feels when they feel hungry. The sensations connected with the label 'hunger' have sensory as well as emotional components. In a session today, Oliver, a strong, tall and heavy man, identified hunger as a pressure around his head, combined with a feeling of insecurity.
Through flash questions we found a disturbing memory at the age of two. Little Oliver was alone in his room and felt utterly insecure. After the sentences for the frozen memory, the energy level rose, and he felt anger. I explained to him that anger results from the belief that a need must fulfilled, while in real life this need was not fulfilled. As a next step he said the sentences for the mother he would have liked to have had, but never had.
After this, Oliver felt fear, which turned out to be a fear that Mommy would never come back. After the sentences for this fantasy, the fear dissolved, and we returned to the starting point of the session, the 'hunger' feeling. This time, the insecurity had disappeared from the sensation, and he felt a steel band around his head and between his ears.
When we tracked this feeling in his history, Oliver remembered a situation as a seven-year-old, in which his father had comforted him. Something had happened to him, which was still covered by the memory of father. After the suggestion to step back in time Oliver discovered a memory in which he was bullied by three other children. His sister also played a role in this event.