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ou Need Supervision This second Logosynthesis online supervision group meets that needs, in three 2-hour sessions in the fall of 2018. This supervision is recognised as one supervision day for the curriculum to become a Practitioner in Logosynthesis®, by the Logosynthesis International Association. You’ll receive a confirmation of your participation after the sessions.   Content The […]

Oliver’s eyes – Logosynthesis with metaphors.

Oliver is an older gentleman with a lot of experience in Logosynthesis. Since about half a year he suffered from a blind spot in his right eye, in the centre of the retina, the fovea. The ophthalmologist had told him that he cannot see there because of a blood clot sitting behind the fovea. His […]

Praxisbuch bestellen!

«Logosynthese. Mit Worten Heilen. Praxisbuch für Beratung, Coaching und Psychotherapie»  richtet sich an alle Fachleute in Coaching, Beratung und Psychotherapie, welche die Logosynthese in ihre Praxis integrieren wollen. Das Buch enthält eine ausführliche Einführung in das Modell und die Methode und ist eine ausgezeichnete Vorbereitung auf die Weiterbildung zum Practitioner in Logosynthese. Bestellen